Are you interested in learning more about dogs?
Watch The Dog's Truth from the Family Dog Mediation Education Center.
Interested in taking the L.E.G.S. Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation professional course? Get it here!
What is Family Dog Mediation?
Family Dog Mediation is about meeting your dog where they are, for who they are based on their L.E.G.S. (Learning, Environment, Genetics, Self).
Your dogs have L.E.G.S. unique to them. As a licensed and certified Family Dog Mediator, Crystal's approach to working with dogs is based on applied ethology and not just training. Trining alone may never find the WHY something is happening. And training without the WHY may be irrelevant. We encourage you to watch The Dog's Truth to learn more about L.E.G.S.!
What breed did you adopt?
Try The Dog Key, a fun and complimentary service from Family Dog Mediation Education Center.
AKC Evaluator
We are an American Kennel Club evaluator.
Please contact us for more information.